CONTENT DISCOVERY. WOW. AND NEXT. TOP (250) RATED MOVIES LIST HOME Top rated 250 is crated based on votes from regular voters: • The Top Rated TV Shows list only includes TV series ABOUT US 9.5/10 and TV miniseries 1,147,719 • The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each show received from users, and value of ratings received from regular users SERVICES • To be included in the list, a series or miniseries must receive ratings from at least 5000 users, and a TV series must also have aired at least 5 episodes Popularity of TV Shows list is calculated based on the popularity and ONLINE public awareness or interest in the TV Show, actor or company. REFERENCE Most Popular Charts are based on the data collected from the search behaviorof IMDb's more than 250 million monthly unique visitors to rank the hottest, existing or upcoming movies and TV shows. Most Popular Charts calculations are based on weekly data. Introduction Overview Features Audience benefits Your benefits Case studies