MEDIA MANAGEMENT. WOW. AND NEXT. 24/7 PROCESSING, MONITORING AND SUPPORT Wow your audience through global innovation HOME You can opt for our end-to-end solution, or our Red Bee’s ongoing investment and innovation across technical capability and services simplifies your media modular services. Whichever solution you choose, we operations while making your content look eye-poppingly will match your timelines, streamlining your media great, whenever and wherever it reaches your audiences. ABOUT US processing and maximizing your cost-efficiencies. The value of expertise Our portfolio of specialist services is managed with industry-leading expertise by our hugely experienced SERVICES Nucleus platform essentials teams, helping you to enhance, manage and deliver linear • Over 10 million Media Processing Tasks and non-linear content. completed to date Content Aggregation • 1.3 Million assets transcoded in last twelve months ONLINE • 1.5 million customer assets managed in platform Red Bee has established links with hundreds of distributors REFERENCE • Over 10 petabytes of content uploaded in last across the globe; in so doing, we have worked out how to 12 months deal with the complexities of sourcing, co-ordinating and • Any format, any place, any time. formatting content. Our expertise and purpose-built tools enable us to aggregate your content and metadata from diverse suppliers, ready for preparation and packaging. Introduction Overview Audience benefits Your benefits