CONTENT DISCOVERY. WOW. AND NEXT. TOP (250) RATED MOVIES LIST RANK RATING VOTES AKAS HOME This is a list of movies ranked by their current IMDb 220 9.3 2074109 28 user rating. It represents an “all-time” list, meaning there is no date range ABOUT US or weighting given to recency. For the Top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered. • The Top-Rated Movies list only includes theatrical features, SERVICES • Shorts, TV movies and documentaries are not included, • The list is ranked by a formula which includes the number of ratings each movie received from users, and value of ratings ONLINE received from regular users. REFERENCE • To be included in the list, a movie must receive ratings from at least 25000 users. Regular voters are those who have rated an estimated proportion of titles and casts. Using this estimate, IMDb can compare films across different genres uniformly. Introduction Overview Features Audience benefits Your benefits Case studies