LIVE & REMOTE PRODUCTION. WOW. AND NEXT. BENEFITS OF REMOTE PRODUCTION HOME Staffing Location Fewer people needed at each venue, reducing staff and One central control room can handle multiple events at travel costs. once and multiple events on a given day - meaning fewer ABOUT US systems are needed for the volume of production, reducing Transport equipment duplication. Equipment transportation costs are greatly reduced since only cameras and IP connection equipment need to be Resources SERVICES transported without the need of a specialized vehicle. Eliminating the need for multiple specialised production vehicles and equipment duplication gives producers the Set up option to either spend less of the budget or to use the Setup time is greatly reduced, since cameras connect to IP budget on better equipment and people. ONLINE instead of dedicated baseband cabling that needs to be laid REFERENCE out for each event to connect cameras to production trucks. Values Paying for a single Production crew rather than paying for Cost multiple crews at each venue – ensuring high production Significant cost savings are realized by eliminating baseband quality and reduced overheads. cabling and time needed to deploy cabling. 5G Use of next generation contribution and distribution technologies such as 5G and beyond. Introduction Overview Features Audience benefits Your benefits Case studies